



The name of the group shall be The Long Itchington History Group. 

The Constitution will be available on the Long Itchington History Group website but a paper copy is available from the Secretary.


(1) To hold regular meetings, visits or walks with a history theme. Although primarily focused on local history, national and international themes will be explored

(2) To encourage and aid members’ research.

(3) To help disseminate individual members research and/or work.

(4) To run local history projects and promote further activities.


(1) Membership of The Long Itchington History Group shall be open to all, subject to the payment of the monthly meeting entrance fee.

(2) The Committee has the power to rescind membership and/or refuse entry to meetings.


(1) The Committee shall consist of a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.  These positions will be elected every year at the AGM held in April. The AGM will elect up to four additional members of the committee at the annual meeting.  At the first Committee meeting following the AGM roles will be allocated to committee members including Vice Chair, Publicity, Website/Facebook management, Liaison with other historical groups/organisations. 

(2) The Committee shall be responsible for the management of the Group, including arranging meetings, outings and other events to further the aims of the Group.

(3) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to three members per year.

(4) The Committee is empowered to make donations up to a maximum of £150.


(1Meetings will normally be held every month from September to the following May inclusive and organised by the Committee.

(b) Information regarding the meetings will be disseminated via the annual programme leaflet, local noticeboards and media and the Group website.

(c) The Group shall hold an Annual General Meeting [AGM] each April.  The agenda will be published on the Group website four weeks in advance of the meeting.  Paper copies will be available.  The Chairman shall present an annual report. The Treasurer shall present the statement of accounts for the previous year.

(d) The AGM shall elect a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to four committee members. 

(e) Extraordinary General Meetings [EGM] may be called to discuss special business at the discretion of the Committee or the request of fifteen members of the Group.


(1) The monthly meeting fee will be fixed at the AGM for all meetings of the next cycle running from September to the following May. Fees will be set at a level to cover expected cost for the next twelve months – including hire of the community centre, speaker fees, refreshments and donations which the group wish to make.

 (c) The Treasurer shall keep a record of all financial transactions and prepare annual accounts to present to the AGM. 

(d) For the signing of cheques etc., up to three signatories shall be appointed, two of who must sign each cheque. 


The Group is committed to supporting equal opportunities both in the way in which the group is organised and in the diversity of talks and events offered. This includes issues based on race, ethnicity, nationality, creed, gender, sex, class, sexuality, learning ability, physical impairment, physical and mental illness, status, age, occupation, income, and wealth.  


(1) Amendments to this Constitution may only be made at an AGM or EGM with a minimum of 15 members present and with a two-thirds majority vote.

(2) This Constitution is effective from the AGM on 12th April 2023.


(1) The group may be dissolved at an AGM or EGM with 70% of those attending voting for such action.

(2) Any monies remaining following a vote to dissolve the group shall be donated to  appropriate organisations/charities agreed at the meeting